A little help from a friend

Often we have to retouch a pho­to to get a bet­ter pic­ture. It’s a com­mon prac­tice for mag­a­zines DTP. Here is a light pho­to retouch that demon­strates a sim­ple tech­nique to remove skin acne scars from the face of a beau­ti­ful girl. The pic­ture is also sharp­ened using the unsharp mask fil­ter to get a more glam­orous look. The trick is to know when to stop — the goal is to keep the nat­ur­al, “untouched” look of the pho­to as much as possible.

This is the orig­i­nal photo:


This is a before and after animation:


Here is the retouched pho­to (with slight colour cor­rec­tion applied as well):


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