Annie and Toshko of Africa

 Angel Karaliychev

Back in 2003 for the pub­lish­er Damyan Yakov I designed the book’s bod­ies and (in col­lab­o­ra­tion with an illus­tra­tor) the cov­ers  for two child sto­ries by the Bul­gar­i­an writer Angel Kar­aliy­chev — “Annie” and “Toshko of Africa”. They were print­ed both paper­back and hard­cov­er. Here are their covers.


Angel Karaliychev - Annie

Toshko of Africa:

Angel Karaliychev - Toshko of Africa

In 2013 the pub­lish­er approached me with a new task. He want­ed to reprint the nov­els but this time in a sin­gle book (again both paper­back and hard­cover). He want­ed a ‘facelift’ of the cov­er — to keep the main char­ac­ters’ illus­tra­tions from the pre­vi­ous cov­er and to give a new and fresh look of the cov­er in the same time. Here is the cover:

Angel Karaliychev - Annie and Toshko of Africa

Note that the back­ground is a pho­to of an actu­al alley in a park made to look like a painting.

Here are some pages of the new body (jpegs cour­tesy of the online store

Angel Karaliychev - Annie and Toshko of Africa_page2Angel Karaliychev - Annie and Toshko of Africa_page1

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