EU studies

In 2013 I had to make a cov­er and body design for a col­lec­tion of EU stud­ies articles.

The client had­n’t a strong idea what the cov­er should look like, nei­ther had I. I knew that an EU brand­ing with eas­i­ly recog­nis­able EU sym­bols should apply. I made three vari­a­tions of the cov­er and pre­sent­ed them to the client to choose from:

EU_studies_v3 EU_studies_v2 EU_studies_v1

The client chose the first one.

As a rule of thumb when nei­ther the client nither you have a strong con­cept for the design of the final prod­uct always present him with at least three vari­a­tions of the design. Even nei­ther of them would be accept­ed this will be a very good start­ing point of a dis­cus­sion what the client real­ly feels or want.

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