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Often we are using pho­to manip­u­la­tions to achieve a spe­cif­ic mood or to pro­voke a feel­ing. This is one of the tools cre­at­ing a good adver­tise­ment. For this par­tic­u­lar exam­ple I took one of my daugh­ter’s pho­tos and start­ed to play with Adobe Pho­to­shop fil­ters, brush­es and lay­ers options.  The result I called “Fol­low Me!” — I’m feel­ing mes­mer­ized by these eyes.

I can’t say that the final image is bet­ter than the orig­i­nal pho­to — it is DIFFERENT, it pro­vokes very dif­fer­ent emo­tions. And this was the goal of this exercise.

Here the orig­i­nal photo:


Here is an ani­ma­tion of the manip­u­la­tion process:


Here is the final image:


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