Localisation DTP, Prepress and QA

The aim of local­iza­tion DTP work is to match trans­lat­ed doc­u­ments to their orig­i­nals. It works with this trans­lat­ed doc­u­ment to make it appear­ance as close as it’s pos­si­ble to the orig­i­nal doc­u­ment. Doc­u­ments are built with var­i­ous soft­ware and knowl­edge of it is a must. My Local­iza­tion DTP work involves work­ing with Adobe Inde­sign, Pho­to­shop and Illus­tra­tor, Adobe Flash, Adobe FrameMak­er, MS Word, Excel and Pow­er­Point files.

DTP QA work is in fact a con­stant and thor­ough check of the fin­ished doc­u­ments for mis­takes  and omissions.

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