SCIS Materials

SCIS stands for State Com­mis­sion on Infor­ma­tion Secu­ri­ty. They reg­u­lar­ly pub­lish dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als for inter­nal use as man­u­als and col­lec­tions of lec­tures for their employ­ees, col­lec­tions of law acts, almanacs and pho­to albums of polit­i­cal meet­ings and agree­ment signages. 

In 2013 I had to pro­duce three cov­ers for their issues. One cov­er for a col­lec­tion of learn­ing mate­ri­als for their employ­ees, anoth­er one for a col­lec­tion of law acts and doc­u­ments, and a pho­to album called “SCIS through the ages” for the 10th anniver­sary of the foun­da­tion of SCIS. I also had to design the body of this pho­to album.

Here is the cov­er and some of the body pages of the album:

DKSI_cover DKSI_body-41 DKSI_body-129 DKSI_body-80 DKSI_body-69 DKSI_body-52 DKSI_body-47 DKSI_body-42


Here is the cov­er for the col­lec­tion of learn­ing materials:


Here is the cov­er for the col­lec­tion of law materials:


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