Case studies

As a cre­ative per­son dur­ing the years of work I’ve devel­oped sev­er­al key prin­ci­ples that guide my cre­ative process.

Freedom of choice. 

That means to devel­op and offer to the client mul­ti­ple and dif­fer­ent cre­ative con­cepts. (and some of them can often go way beyond the frame of the client brief). The cre­ative ideas aren’t carved in stone — great­est things hap­pen after a cre­ative dis­cus­sion with the client. But in order to have such a dis­cus­sion there must be some­thing to dis­cuss and the mul­ti­ple design vari­a­tions fuel a suc­cess­ful cre­ative communication.

Personal design. 

The best way to pro­duce great designs for the client is to know them, their his­to­ry, phi­los­o­phy, aims, likes and dis­likes, goals and needs. To know the client is a must when doing any cre­ative job. This way the prod­uct become unique and car­ries the client spir­it in it. This is also the best way of work thats per­mits me to avoid any clichés.

Refreshing ideas.

As great an idea is the time always comes when it becomes obso­lete. One of my key prin­ci­ples is to be pre­pared to refresh designs by keep­ing the mood and spir­it of the pre­vi­ous design in the same time.


Check the links below for exam­ples of these key principles.


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