SM Instruction Guide

Swan Multimedia Ltd. Guide

Here are some screen­shots tak­en from the inter­ac­tive Instruc­tion Guide made for Train­ers and Instruc­tors who use the online train­ing sys­tem devel­oped by Swan Mul­ti­me­dia Ltd.

Shell brand­ed:

SHELL_instruction_guide branded:


Sure­Site branded:


There are sim­i­lar Guides for any of the clients of Swan Mul­ti­me­dia Ltd. These Guides are brand­ed and cus­tomised accord­ing to each client spe­cif­ic needs. They are also avail­able as Inter­ac­tive PDFs. For exam­ple here are some pages for the .pdf guide brand­ed for SureSite:

Suresite_guide_0 Suresite_guide_1 Suresite_guide_2

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