The Magic Sarcho

Back in 2005 I pro­duced, direct­ed and edit­ed a doc­u­men­tary for my grand­fa­ther — one of the most famous Bul­gar­i­an the­atre and film direc­tors and dra­ma teach­ers. His col­leagues and stu­dents always said that there was a mag­ic aura sur­round­ing Sar­cho’s per­sona — they used to call him Sar­cho — from Sir or “sarce” (heart in Bul­gar­i­an). So I called my movie “The Mag­ic (called) Sarcho”.

In addi­tion to the film pro­duc­tion I designed the movie poster, the DVD label and face art of the disk.

Here is the poster:


Here is the DVD label:


Here is the DVD face art:


The doc­u­men­tary has its own face­book page and can be watched on YouTube. It is in Bul­gar­i­an. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I still can’t find time to trans­late it and make Eng­lish subtitles.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:




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